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Licensing Information

Wildwood Park Discovery School works closely with DCYF to ensure compliance on all activities associated with our programs. We are classified under exempt  and follow applicable local family/ residential childcare laws and city/state laws as DCYF does not oversee our direct licensing due to our exemption.

Wildwood Park Discovery School maintains:

Current Clean Background Checks

CPR/First Aid/AED Certifications

King County Food Handlers Permit

Bloodborne Pathogen Certifications

Current City/State Business Licensing 

Following of Applicable Family Home Childcare Licensing Laws and Exemptions


Wildwood Park Discovery School LLC

UBI: 604-730-506

EIN: 99-0385905


More About License Exempt Care:

Who is classified as EXEMPT from DCYF Childcare licensing?

EXAMPLE: Friends, Family, or Neighbors providing childcare:

Persons related to the child in the following ways:


Any blood relative, including those of half-blood, and including first cousins, nephews or nieces, and persons of preceding generations as denoted by prefixes of grand, great, or great-great;


Stepfather, stepmother, stepbrother, and stepsister;


A person who legally adopts a child or the child's parent as well as the natural and other legally adopted children of such persons, and other relatives of the adoptive parents in accordance with state law; or


Spouses of any persons named in (a)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this subsection, even after the marriage is terminated;


Persons who are legal guardians of the child;


Persons who care for a neighbor's or friend's child or children, with or without compensation, where the person providing care for periods of less than twenty-four hours does not conduct such activity on an ongoing, regularly scheduled basis for the purpose of engaging in business, which includes, but is not limited to, advertising such care;


Parents on a mutually cooperative basis exchange care of one another's children;

EXAMPLE: Private Preschool Programs that operate for no more than 4 hours per day for ages 30 months - 6 years old:

Nursery schools that are engaged primarily in early childhood education with preschool children and in which no child is enrolled on a regular basis for more than four hours per day;

EXAMPLE: Public and Private Schools:

Schools, including boarding schools, that are engaged primarily in education, operate on a definite school year schedule, follow a stated academic curriculum, and accept only school age children;

EXAMPLE: Summer or School Break Camps that operate for up to 12 weeks in a calendar year:


Seasonal camps of three months' or less duration engaged primarily in recreational or educational activities;

EXAMPLE: Church Childcare Programs, Grocery Store Childcare, Hospital Childcare, Gym Childcare, Co-Op Programs, Community Center Classes:

Facilities providing child care for periods of less than twenty-four hours when a parent or legal guardian of the child remains on the premises of the facility for the purpose of participating in:


Activities other than employment; or


Employment of up to two hours per day when the facility is operated by a nonprofit entity that also operates a licensed child care program at the same facility in another location or at another facility;

EXAMPLE: Non Profit or Local Classes, Community Center Classes. 


Any entity that provides recreational or educational programming for school age children only and the entity meets all of the following requirements:


The entity utilizes a drop-in model for programming, where children are able to attend during any or all program hours without a formal reservation;


The entity does not assume responsibility in lieu of the parent, unless for coordinated transportation;


The entity is a local affiliate of a national nonprofit; and


The entity is in compliance with all safety and quality standards set by the associated national agency;

EXAMPLE: Government or Tribal operated programs:

A program operated by any unit of local, state, or federal government;


A program located within the boundaries of a federally recognized Indian reservation, licensed by the Indian tribe;


A program located on a federal military reservation, except where the military authorities request that such agency be subject to the licensing requirements of this chapter;

EXAMPLE: Parent Education Classes or Classes where a Parent/Guardian are present with the child for early learning and/or support services:


A program that offers early learning and support services, such as parent education, and does not provide child care services on a regular basis. Wash. Rev. Code § 43.215.010(2).

More about Exempt Care Laws:

Public Health Law Center

Located at 2407 Canyon Lands Ct S - Puyallup WA 98374

Telephone: Text - 425 218 8639

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Fiddlehead Fern - Caspar Babypants
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